Caribbean Resilience Knowledge Platform


Welcome to the Caribbean Resilience Knowledge Platform, an online space to capture, showcase, access and advance the latest knowledge on climate justice and resilience for the Caribbean region. Sign up to join the community and submit your own content.





Stories capturing voices from communities and practitioners on the ground to enhance awareness, advocacy and inspire further action

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Initiatives by Caribbean civil society and their partners contributing to climate justice and local resilience in the Caribbean

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Tools and Approaches

Tools and resources to support climate justice and resilience actions by civil society and their partners in the Caribbean

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The Caribbean Resilience Knowledge Platform is a collaborative online space to capture, showcase, access and advance the latest knowledge on climate justice and resilience for the Caribbean region, focusing on the role and contributions of civil society.

Explore the stories, get a sense of key initiatives and stakeholders, learn about cases of innovation and best practice, as well as the latest tools and approaches.

Why this platform?

We believe that for effective action on climate justice and resilience in the Caribbean, a ‘whole of society’ approach is needed.

Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a unique and important role in achieving climate ambitions, addressing injustices and building local resilience in the Caribbean. However, their contributions are often not fully recognised or effectively supported.

Through this knowledge platform, we seek to inform and inspire CSOs to undertake more effective advocacy and action through showcasing what other Caribbean CSOs are doing. We also seek to support more effective relationship-building and partnerships with the public and private sector to mobilise knowledge, resources and funding to support climate justice and resilience in the Caribbean.

Check out this StoryMap on Building Caribbean Resilience: A spotlight on civil society action to build local resilience


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For this region of colonies and former colonies, of global immigrants and indigenous people, of the very poor and the extremely wealthy, climate justice is a critical lens to understand these differences and how they influence the way in which climate change is experienced

- Adelle Thomas, Ph.D., Caribbean Science Lead, Climate Analytics & Senior Fellow, University of The Bahamas

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Video credit: Andrew Proudfoot