


Our Story

The Caribbean Resilience Knowledge Platform is a collaborative online space to capture, showcase, access and advance the latest knowledge on climate justice and resilience for the Caribbean region, focusing on the role and contributions of civil society. Explore the stories, get a sense of key initiatives and stakeholders, learn about cases of innovation and best practice, as well as the latest evidence and tools.

The Knowledge Platform is designed to provide users with:

  • easy online access to knowledge and resources on climate justice and resilience applicable to the Caribbean context, focusing on the role of CSOs.
  • an opportunity for CSOs to showcase stories and initiatives relating to their role in and experience of implementing resilience actions (at multiple levels) including sharing of lessons, recommendations, innovations and best practices to enhance advocacy and action.
  • information to support collaboration and networking, and to access opportunities for improved funding and resources to enhance the capacity, voice and visibility of CSOs in national and regional policy and actions related to climate justice and building resilience.

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is actively seeking contributions from other CSOs (and their partners, networks and coalitions) that are working on the climate justice and building resilience in the Caribbean. Contact us if you want to support and contribute to expanding this platform!

The Caribbean Resilience Knowledge Platform is managed by CANARI. Initial support to develop the platform was provided by:

Frequently Asked Questions


Why this platform?

We believe that for effective action on climate justice and resilience in the Caribbean, a ‘whole of society’ approach is needed. Civil society organisations (CSOs) play a unique and important role in achieving climate ambitions, addressing injustices and building local resilience in the Caribbean. However, their contributions are often not fully recognised or effectively supported. Through this knowledge platform, we seek to inform and inspire CSOs to undertake more effective advocacy and action through showcasing what other Caribbean CSOs are doing. We also seek to support more effective relationship-building and partnerships with the public and private sector to mobilise knowledge, resources and funding to support climate justice and resilience in the Caribbean.

Who is the platform intended for?

Caribbean CSOs are the main target audience of the knowledge platform.

The platform will also be accessible to anyone with an interest in climate justice, local community resilience and enhancing the role played by CSOs, including:

  • government stakeholders responsible for national implementation of climate justice and resilience actions;
  • private sector stakeholders with an interest in implementing and supporting climate justice and resilience actions;
  • regional intergovernmental bodies working on resilience, such as the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission;
  • regional and international technical partners coordinating work on climate justice and resilience nationally and regionally, including United Nations agencies, such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC), and the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) Caribbean office;
  • funding agencies supporting climate justice and resilience work by CSOs;
  • other knowledge platforms regionally and globally, with an interest in the contributions of Caribbean civil society towards climate justice and resilience; and
  • the media.

Outreach and advocacy around the Resilient Caribbean Knowledge Platform will target all the above audiences.

Why should I sign up?

By signing up, CANARI can send alerts or update users periodically about new additions to the platform.

How do I submit my own content?

Users can submit content via the ‘Get Involved’ page. By clicking ‘submit’ Information can be uploaded and is accepted via an automated Google Form.


Photo credits: Jonathan Gomez (header photo), CANARI (page photos)