Guest blog for the “Caribbean Voices for Climate Justice” series by Adelle Thomas, Ph.D., Caribbean Science Lead, Climate Analytics & Senior Fellow, University of The Bahamas Climate justice highlights that the causes and impacts of climate change are neither...
Guest blog for the “Caribbean Voices for Climate Justice” series by Yves Renard, Panos Caribbean COP 26, will it be a true landmark moment? COP 26, the next Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has been billed...
In confronting the climate crisis, workers are a critical part of the solution Guest blog for the “Caribbean Voices for Climate Justice” series by Sandra Massiah, Public Services International (PSI)November 5, 2021 Every day, whether it is during or...
Guest blog for the “Caribbean Voices for Climate Justice” series by Malene C. Alleyne, FreedomImaginaries The climate crisis is the logical consequence of a racial capitalist order that normalizes resource plundering, indigenous dispossession,...